Category Archives: Uncategorized

Technology transfer transforms the knowledge generated by research into concrete applications for industry and the market. The acquisition of new knowledge, trends and technologies therefore constitutes a decisive step for innovative researchers, developers, companies and start-ups.

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You will be in touch with strategic partners and be an active part of The Way project. We weave human and professional relationships – between the business world, researchers and experts – we trigger and multiply abundant knowledge and opportunities, partnerships and collaborations, determining success and innovation.

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Consultancy and support in the implementation of research and development projects. We provide a large and structured local and international network of experts, who can be involved both as project partners and as service providers.

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Together we define the best financing strategy for your start-up, we put you in contact with credit institutions, private investors and we help you find public financing at local, national and community level.

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We support you and put you online in the various sectors centered on the uniqueness of our territory. Focus and intelligent solutions in terms of production, solutions and know-how for your specific industry

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We help you take advantage of all the opportunities for innovation offered by Europe to businesses: from funding and tenders for Research & Development, to consultancy on projects and technology transfer up to matching with international partners for business, technologies and research.

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Deepen your analyses. Develop scenarios. Filling skills gaps. Outline the roadmap to the future. These customizable tools cushion the leap into the unknown. They refine your team’s imaginative ability. They examine trends in detail. And they weigh opportunities and risks.

Contact us and we will listen to your idea in the utmost confidentiality, we will discuss it together and give you a point of view on the opportunities we can provide you.

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Claudio Chiti, Specialista Innovazione Direzione Regionale Emilia Romagna e Marche di Banca Intesa;
Edoardo Reggiani, Head of Business Development e Innovation di BacktoWork;
Floriano Bonfigli, Coordinatore di Next Age;
Andrea Giaconi, Head of Project Manager di Jef srl.

Si parlerà di come trovare finanziamenti per una nuova impresa: sovvenzioni pubbliche,crowdfunding, selffunding , risorse private, incubatori e acceleratori d’impresa, business angel, venture capital finanziamenti a debito.

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