Startup incubator

With a solid network of market players, relationships and skills, we support innovative business projects, grow new talent, support start-ups and make the region and its companies more competitive and future-proof.

Nurturing ideas by helping them grow in the phase in which they are most vulnerable, the start-up phase. Providing management assistance, access to financing, networking, business opportunities and technical support services.

1. Pre incubation
This phase includes all the activities necessary to support the entrepreneur in the development of his business idea, in the business model and in the preparation of the business plan to increase the chances of creating a valuable start-up.
2. Incubation
Incubation is the essential phase as the entrepreneur is given all the support from the entrepreneurial start-up phase to actual expansion. The inclusion of the company in a network of actors that allow it to access the skills and resources for its development (technology, human and financial capital). Incubators therefore operate as intermediaries between the incubated companies and the external environment.
3. Post incubation
The company is finally walking on its own and can leave the incubator. The new SME will probably need additional services such as improvement of production processes or internationalization services.

We are welcoming your idea and turn it into a successful business.

We are more than the sum of all our parts. We are "The Road" of innovation, where talent, knowledge and potential are tangible and ideas materialize. In a creative atmosphere open to anyone, where companies, institutes and universities collaborate on new research and development projects.

We believe in you, and in your business idea.

In our Start-up Incubator we provide you skills and programs that will allow you to turn your visions into reality. And to forge ahead on the path to success. Find out what we can do for you:

We help Founders to develop competitive companies with innovative services and products, to conquer global markets.

We are a community of individuals belonging to the world of research, business, start-ups and universities.

With a solid professional network and a wide range of services, we support research and development projects, we grow new talent, accompanying and making the territory and its companies more competitive and future-proof.

In our Start-up Incubator you will not only find a community made up of many innovative companies and research institutions, but you will also have access to a wide range of services and know-how that will help you define – and achieve – the next stages of your entrepreneurial journey.

In our Incubator we offer an ideal and more innovative ecosystem, where an increasingly large and stimulated community has access to programs and services designed to refine their product ideas and model truly effective business models.

The Road to Innovation
The place where companies, institutes and universities collaborate on new research and development projects.

Support new ideas through knowledge, training, innovation, technology, networks and a new mindset to ensure sustainable and scalable development.

For us, doing business is innovation, commitment, operation, with a strong emphasis and a strong social characteriation, which operates with transparency and sustainability in the interest of the community. We are a benefit company that does not just aim for profit, but to pursue goals of common benefits, with the aim of generating value. The Way is part of a “community” of companies oriented towards the affirmation and diffusion of a new, more advanced and sustainable business paradigm, in terms of both social and environmental impact.
Facilitated Finance
Business Strategy & Development
Development & Innovation

Do you want to know what we can do for you? Contact us!

Our roots are in Le Marche region, but we work with an international perspective.

Using research profitably… This is what we want for you, your business idea and your company.

logo Matt bianco



Claudio Chiti, Specialista Innovazione Direzione Regionale Emilia Romagna e Marche di Banca Intesa;
Edoardo Reggiani, Head of Business Development e Innovation di BacktoWork;
Floriano Bonfigli, Coordinatore di Next Age;
Andrea Giaconi, Head of Project Manager di Jef srl.

Si parlerà di come trovare finanziamenti per una nuova impresa: sovvenzioni pubbliche,crowdfunding, selffunding , risorse private, incubatori e acceleratori d’impresa, business angel, venture capital finanziamenti a debito.

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